Ep 43 Baking Gluten Free Cookies
Let’s start the blog with the Show Notes for this episode:
This week I spoke to Cinde Little who writes a food blog and recipes as the Everyday Gluten Free Gourmet. Cinde wrote a blog post devoted to baking gluten free cookies, some of the basics, and some suggest
ions for flours and techniques. I also mentioned a reference page comparing cups and grams for different flours to help in weighing out flours for recipes (see link below). You can read Cinde’s entire blog post at –
Blog Post – https://www.everydayglutenfreegourmet.ca/tips-for-making-gluten-free-cookies/
Cinde’s Website – https://www.everydayglutenfreegourmet.ca
Twitter – @LittleCinde
Instagram – everyday.gf.gourmet.ca
Facebook – Everyday Gluten Free Gourmet
My flours weights page – https://www.suesglutenfreebaking.com/dry-ingredient-weight-amounts
Sue’s Websites and Social Media –
Podcast https://acanadianceliacpodcast.libsyn.com
Podcast Blog – https://www.acanadianceliacblog.com
Facebook – @acanadianceliacpodcast
Twitter – CeliacPodcastCA
Email – acdnceliacpodcast@gmail.com
Baking Website – https://www.suesglutenfreebaking.com
Instagram – @suesgfbaking
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUVGfpD4eJwwSc_YjkGagza06yYe3ApzL
(search Sues Gluten Free Baking)
Email – sue@suesglutenfreebaking.com
New Podcast – Gluten Free Weigh In – https://glutenfreeweighin.libsyn.com
My Thoughts –
Baking cookies is something that we often miss and maybe even mourn when we first get diagnosed, or when someone in our family gets diagnosed. Many of us have a recipe box of family favourites that just won’t be the same without wheat flour. Admittedly, it takes time to come to terms with the gluten free diet, to feel comfortable enough to not panic and take it day to day. The thought of baking, even after a couple of initial attempts is often daunting and not very encouraging.
My best advice is try, just try, and then try again. You might want to start with a mix, just to get something edible with minimal fuss. Then try looking online or in books for some simple recipes and work with one that isn’t complicated. As you get better and gain confidence, you can tackle different flours and techniques. It won’t work every time, even your favourite recipe will have different degrees of success – gluten free baking is just like that. But it’s worth it.
We all have family favourites and likely recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. There’s a reason our grandmothers and great-grandmothers made cookies – because they were made with love, cost less than buying them, and most times tasted better than pre-made. These are all the reasons that should draw you to your kitchen today. We all complain about the cost of gluten free prepared foods – with good reason, they are expensive to make. Not so much if you make them yourself. Then we know as we practice, that our fresh cookies will taste better than anything that comes from a package. Lastly, we have the opportunity to add that most special ingredient – Love – can’t get that from a package. Go forward – bake cookies!