Ep 218 Update on Food Banks and Gluten Free

Let’s start the blog with the show notes for this Episode –

The topic of Food Security is one that I speak about often with others in leadership roles in Canada’s gluten free community.  I thought I’d bring some of those conversations to the podcast.  First, I speak with Jessica Danford who has devoted a great deal of time and energy into getting gluten free food into the hands of those who need it, but are not able to afford it.  Jessica explains how to work with food banks and some of the complications they might be facing.  Jess was recently featured as an author in the book “She Moves Mountains”, which can be purchased at most book sellers.  You can also connect with Jess on Instagram @Jessicadanford.  I also talk about Bev Ruffo, who is from the Hamilton area.  There is no longer a CCA chapter in Hamilton, but Bev still keeps in touch with some of her celiac friends and they decided to get involved with gluten free food collection.  They even appeared at the recent Gluten Free Goodness Expo to accept food donations and have attendees sign a petition for the CCA – well done!

I round out this episode with a discussion about the extraordinary efforts being made by the Manitoba Chapter of the CCA.  The President of the Chapter, Christa Dubesky, tells me how their group got involved with a food bank umbrella organization to prepare hampers for the gluten free clients.  Not only did they prepare hampers, they took on the job of getting donations, for most of the food.  If you would like to help out their efforts you can leave a message at their chapter office at (204) 772-6979 or refer to their website http://www.manitobaceliac.com/ and follow the donations link.

I’m looking forward to attending the Gluten Free Garage in Toronto on May 29th, where Jessica and I will be at the CCA tent to accept food donations.  If you’ll be in Toronto at that time, we’d love to have you show up.  You can find out more at https://glutenfreegarage.ca/

You can find out more about the CCA Save Me For Gluten Free Program at https://www.celiac.ca/get-involved/savemeforglutenfree/

Sue’s Websites and Social Media

Podcast https://acanadianceliacpodcast.libsyn.com

Podcast Blog – https://www.acanadianceliacblog.com

Email – acdnceliacpodcast@gmail.com

Celiac Kid Stuff – https://www.celiackidstuff.com

Baking Website – https://www.suesglutenfreebaking.com

Instagram – @suesgfbaking

YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUVGfpD4eJwwSc_YjkGagza06yYe3ApzL

Email – sue@suesglutenfreebaking.com

Other Podcast – Gluten Free Weigh In – https://glutenfreeweighin.libsyn.com

My Thoughts

Food Security, or insecurity as some call it, has always been something that I expected someone else to be responsible for.  At least once a year at our Chapter meetings we asked members to bring a non-perishable gluten free food donation and someone would be responsible for getting the donations to our local food bank.

It wasn’t until covid became a part of all of our lives that I really took notice of the efforts of food banks to feed people who had lost their jobs, or were under other economic stress.  I decided every time I’d go grocery shopping, I’d buy something to donate at the front of the store on my way out.  I struggled with this simple gesture.  I really only wanted to purchase something that would go to someone who needed to eat gluten free.  I just couldn’t buy something gluten free and trust it would get to the right individual.  I ended up buying baby food and made sure it didn’t contain any gluten.

It wasn’t long after that, in a conversation with Melissa Secord of the CCA that I heard about the idea of “Save Me For Gluten Free”.  I was in.  The thought of an organized program that could be adapted across the country to donate and receive gluten free food was a game changer.  We now how lots of people involved and there’s more potential for the idea to continue to do great and greater things.  You don’t have to be involved with the CCA to want to make a difference in the lives of fellow celiacs – you just have to want to.

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