Ep 220 May 2022 Roundup
Let’s start the blog with the show notes for this Episode –
It’s time again to chat with Ellen Bayens of theceliacscene.com. Ellen brings us great articles and tidbits about celiac disease and the gluten free diet all month long and this is our opportunity to discuss. First, we talk about an article that tries to define the differences between food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities – it’s a big and somewhat confusing job. Easiest to note that Celiac is none of the above, but many of us have an allergy, intolerance or sensitivity in addition to celiac.
Have you ever wondered what xanthan gum is exactly? I had not, until Ellen raised the topic. You might be surprised at what you learn. Recently, Health Canada re-vamped their sign up for food and other recalls. Ellen gives us a summary of the changes and how the new process is so much easier.
Ellen highlights the Tuesday questions answered by Selena DeVries RD on Instagram. Her website is Healthbean Nutrition and you can find her Instagram @celiac_dietitian.
We talk about what makes the Honeycomb app unique. This is of special interest to those who have additional food allergies, or those who want to know exactly what to order at a particular restaurant to be safe.
I have a great story for Ellen that follows up from a discussion we had about a foreign celiac student staying with a family in Victoria.
May is Celiac Awareness Month. So, Stay tuned.
• Food Allergies, Intolerances and Sensitivities Explained
• Xanthan Gum – Widely Used Food Additive Found to Affect the Human Gut Microbiota
• Honeycomb App – https://get.honeycomb.ai/celiacscene
• Tuesdays Instagram Questions & Answers
• Selena’s Symptom Relief Facebook Group
Sue’s Websites and Social Media –
Podcast https://acanadianceliacpodcast.libsyn.com
Podcast Blog – https://www.acanadianceliacblog.com
Email – acdnceliacpodcast@gmail.com
Celiac Kid Stuff – https://www.celiackidstuff.com
Baking Website – https://www.suesglutenfreebaking.com
Instagram – @suesgfbaking
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUVGfpD4eJwwSc_YjkGagza06yYe3ApzL
Email – sue@suesglutenfreebaking.com
Other Podcast – Gluten Free Weigh In – https://glutenfreeweighin.libsyn.com
My Thoughts –
Often Ellen sends me information about topics we don’t actually talk about on the podcast. This month it was Ellen updating her followers on the local Farmer’s Markets in Victoria, and you can find that information on her website. For me, that’s a definite sign of spring. I realize that many markets operate indoors all year long, which is a tradition is many parts of Europe. Here in Canada, I try to notice the outdoor farmer’s markets spring into life at this time of year.
I understand in my area there are strict rules about who can sell at farmer’s markets operated by our municipality. You must be local, and you must produce the majority of your products yourself.
I know of a few gluten free bakers who have first worked selling at farmer’s markets to test their recipes and the appeal of their baking – with paying customers. This is a great way to measure your market and also, see how much to charge for your baking. We usually undervalue our baked goods, especially if we truly enjoy the process.
Interestingly, I know of one baker who, after having a bricks and mortar gluten free bakery is much happier now that she appears once a week at the farmer’s market, sells to regular customers and takes orders to keep the chaos at a minimum.
In any case, most of us have a signal that it’s spring. Maybe it’s a certain flower or tree starting to bud, or bloom, maybe it’s putting away the winter coats and boots, or maybe, as in my case it’s the sightings of farmer’s markets and my urge to stop the car and look around. It’s probably a good thing that I can’t buy the regular baked goods – I’d come home with butter tarts every time, and that’s not good.