Ep 240 Gluten Free Fall Recipes
Let’s start the blog with the show notes for this Episode –
On this episode I speak with Cinde Little of https://everydayglutenfreegourmet.ca/ about a recent post she made on her blog including a list of 45 recipes using seasonal ingredients. If you’re anything like me, your day-to-day menus could use some imaginative additions as we go into the fall/winter seasons. Cinde gives us lots of suggestions including switchups for some more traditional recipes. Everything is gluten free and includes simple to follow instructions with wonderful photos. Here is a link to Cinde’s blog post – https://everydayglutenfreegourmet.ca/fall-recipe-round-up/
You can follow Cinde on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. By signing up for newsletter, you will receive notice of new blog posts. Cinde also teaches both virtual and in person classes from Calgary. You can find out more about classes and link to a calendar at – https://everydayglutenfreegourmet.ca/cooking-classes/

Sue’s Websites and Social Media –
Podcast https://acanadianceliacpodcast.libsyn.com
Podcast Blog – https://www.acanadianceliacblog.com
Email – acdnceliacpodcast@gmail.com
Celiac Kid Stuff – https://www.celiackidstuff.com
Baking Website – https://www.suesglutenfreebaking.com
Instagram – @suesgfbaking
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUVGfpD4eJwwSc_YjkGagza06yYe3ApzL
Email – sue@suesglutenfreebaking.com
Other Podcast – Gluten Free Weigh In – https://glutenfreeweighin.libsyn.com
My Thoughts –
It’s often the case of do as I say, not do as I’ve done, when it comes to expanding my menu horizons. I have great ideas about adding new foods and ways to cook them, but the reality in my home (and maybe yours) is that I’m up for a one-off switchup, but rarely add a solid new choice to my menu planning equation. This is, of course, not the case when it comes to baking. I’m all in for new adventures and recipes, but have to hold myself back because I don’t have the people to eat everything I’d like to bake.
It was against this backdrop that I had my recent conversation with Cinde Little. I became caught up in her pretty pictures and simple ingredient recipes. That’s why I suggested you listen to this episode with your computer open to everydayglutenfreegourmet.com. Recently, I entertained some relatives, who don’t live far away, but for a variety of reasons haven’t made it to our home for an extended stay. This was my chance, and I took it.
I made the Scalloped White and Sweet Potatoes https://everydayglutenfreegourmet.ca/recipe/gluten-free-scalloped-white-and-sweet-potatoes/ and they were a huge hit. I have to admit that mine did not look like Cinde’s. I think I became impatient and didn’t let some of the liquid cook off, or maybe I misread the instructions and should have removed the foil cover. In any case, they were amazing! If you listen to my Gluten Free Weigh In Podcast, you’ll know I try to eat lower calorie and I’m already thinking about the changeups I could make. My version certainly wouldn’t be as decadent, but it might mean this yummy casserole could become a regular on our table. Of course, Cindi’s version would always be the one I’d serve to guests (no one counts calories when they’re visiting, do they?).
The other recipe I made was the Pumpkin Ginger Muffins. https://everydayglutenfreegourmet.ca/recipe/gluten-free-pumpkin-ginger-muffins/ Here I did play around a bit. I didn’t have the crystallized ginger, so I went with mini chocolate chips, which worked out quite well. Please note that these, and any gluten free muffins benefit from a quick warm up in the microwave before serving. I love the pumpkin taste and spicing that Cinde uses. Next time, I think I’ll either try the pumpkin date cake, or add chopped up dates or even raisins to the pumpkin muffins. So many options. At some point, curiosity will get the best of me and I’ll make them with the ginger as Cinde intended.
The point of my story is not for you to praise me for trying something new, it’s to show you that we all need a bit of a kick to add new recipes to our menus. One big challenge can be sourcing recipes that will actually work gluten free. My go-to is Cinde the Every Day Gluten Free Gourmet. There are other amazing cooks and bakers out there, and if I keep an open mind and palate, I will likely get to them over time – it’s fun trying.
Working at Walmart
Excellent post!