Ep 318 January 2025 Roundup

It’s the beginning of a new month and a new year, which makes it a great time to chat with Ellen Bayens of theceliacscene.com. On this episode Ellen and I talk about some big picture issues including a study regarding public policies and quality of life for celiacs around the world.

Public Policies vs Quality of Life for Celiacs

We look at one county in the UK that is changing the way celiacs are able to buy and have assistance with the purchase of gluten free food – is this just an experiment in one area to see what might happen on a national scale?

Bah Humbug! UK Scrapping Revered Gluten-Free Food Prescription Subsidy for Celiacs!

The Low FODMAP diet is again a topic of discussion as many celiacs are using it to over time, identify what might be causing them digestive issues once they are established on the gluten free diet.

Low-FODMAP Diet | Hope for Celiacs with Ongoing Symptoms?

Ellen introduces us to a new study using MRI technology to measure the impact of the gluten free diet on celiacs and compares it to those eating a standard diet. The study looks at newly diagnosed celiacs and then again at the same group after one year on the diet. Some interesting conclusions that could only be seen with MRI technology.

MRI Technology Measures Impact of Gluten-Free Diet on Celiacs

We also spoke about my recent podcast with Caleigh McAulay RD from Celiac Canada regarding people who are not celiac, but are eating a gluten free diet – how does this affect us?

Gluten-Free as a Trend | A Canadian Celiac Podcast

Recently Selena DeVries RD who is a good friend of both the podcast and The Celiac Scene, re-branded. You can find her now on –

Instagram –    @celiac_made_simple

Website –   www.selenard.com

Facebook –  Celiac Made Simple

We also spoke about making sure you were signed up on the email list with Celiac Canada to receive current information from them. You can do so by going to the website celiac.ca  and scroll down on the home page to sign up.

Sue’s Websites and Social Media

Podcast https://acanadianceliacpodcast.libsyn.com

Podcast Blog – https://www.acanadianceliacblog.com

Email – acdnceliacpodcast@gmail.com

Celiac Kid Stuff – https://www.celiackidstuff.com

Baking Website – https://www.suesglutenfreebaking.com

Instagram – @suesgfbaking

YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUVGfpD4eJwwSc_YjkGagza06yYe3ApzL

Email – sue@suesglutenfreebaking.com

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