• Ep 31 Purest Gluten Free

    Let’s start the blog with the Show Notes for this episode:
    I spoke with Val from Purest Gluten Free located in Perth, Ontario which is mid-way between Ottawa and Kingston. Purest supplies single ingredients flours and baking products along with mixes. All of their products are free of the top allergens. They are currently available in many health food stores and recently have begun to be carried by Walmart.
    You can also find many products on Amazon Canada for delivery anywhere in Canada.
    Their website is: https://purest.ca/



    Sue’s Websites and Social Media –

    Podcast – acanadianceliacpodcast.libsyn.com
    Podcast Blog – acanadianceliacblog.com
    Facebook – @acanadianceliacpodcast
    Twitter – CeliacPodcastCA
    Email – acdnceliacpodcast@gmail.com
    Baking Website – suesglutenfreebaking.com
    Instagram – @suesgfbaking
    YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUVGfpD4eJwwSc_YjkGagza06yYe3ApzL
    (search Sues Gluten Free Baking)
    Email – sue@suesglutenfreebaking.com

    My Thoughts –

    I was fortunate to operate a gluten free business when most of the businesses making similar products in Eastern Canada were relatively small. I knew most of the players and respected their efforts. We were like a small club. I operated my bakery for over 10 years, and it has been 3 years since the bakery closed. In those 13 years, the gluten free industry in Canada and the world has changed drastically.

    Some of my competitors were bought out by larger companies, some, like my bakery closed for a variety of reasons, and others are still going. Of the ones still going, like Purest, adjustments or pivots have been made.

    Thirteen years ago, no one could have predicted that gluten free would be so widely known and recognized. Gluten Free has penetrated every type of food, whether baked or convenience. I think the biggest change is the willingness of large companies to incorporate at the very least a gluten free option in their list of products. Some companies have gone all in, making a whole range of products that meet our gluten free standards.

    I appreciate that companies are not participating because they want to please us, but rather as a sound business decision. They recognize that we are a force, not large, but consistent in the market.

    The explosion of social media is being closely watched as a market indicator. I’ve been surprised just how many people want to identify as celiac and gluten free on Instagram and in Facebook groups.

    The takeaway for food companies, both the ones that were around 13 years ago and the new kids on the block is that we have a variety of needs. Those eating gluten free are from a wide range of ethic groups and varied tastes. The common desire for both the food producers and the consumers is gluten free first – meet or exceed government regulations for gluten content, and make food that tastes good. This may not sound like a tall order, but compared to the grocery shelves 13 years ago, it’s really something to celebrate. I am happy to support the strong gluten free food industry in Canada.

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  • Ep 30 The Gluten Free Certification Program

    Let’s start the blog with the Show Notes for this episode:

    This week’s conversation is with Paul Valder of The Gluten Free Certification Program.  This is the organization that certifies food production facilities to be able to use the round gluten free symbol we are all familiar with on our food labels here in Canada.  For more information about the certification program go to:


    For information about the program from the Canadian Celiac Association go to:


    For a list of food producers currently certified check on the following directory:



    Thanks to this week’s sponsor The Celiac Scene at www.theceliacscene.com

    Sue’s Websites and Social Media

    Podcast – acanadianceliacpodcast.libsyn.com

    Podcast Blog – acanadianceliacblog.com

    Facebook – @acanadianceliacpodcast

    Twitter – CeliacPodcastCA

    Email – acdnceliacpodcast@gmail.com

    Baking Website – suesglutenfreebaking.com

    Instagram – @suesgfbaking

    YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUVGfpD4eJwwSc_YjkGagza06yYe3ApzL

    (search Sues Gluten Free Baking)

    Email – sue@suesglutenfreebaking.com


    My Thoughts

    The podcast is a great reflection on the Gluten Free Certification Program.  You may have seen other symbols, other than the GFCP symbol on your gluten free foods.  I referenced in the podcast a “wild west” situation when it comes to gluten free symbols.  Let me explain.

    In order for a manufacturer to claim their products are gluten free, there must be less than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten in the food.  Any food producer can make this claim, but they must be able to support the claim if they are ever challenged.  The GFCP logo is very recognizable and holds the food producers accountable, but there are other logos, some more official than others.

    If a food producer chooses to, they can create their own logo that says gluten free and incorporate it into their labelling.  In Canada, we are fortunate to maintain a high standard for food manufacturing, and the gluten free claim is part of that standard.  We also have a system for reporting questionable claims on a label through the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

    A gluten free claim on a label can take different forms, but the essence of the claim is trust.  Do you trust the company making the product, or the product itself to be gluten free as claimed.  Next time you stroll down the grocery aisle, pay closer attention to the different symbols and logos that tell you a food is gluten free; you will likely be surprised at the variety of symbols all meaning the same thing.  I suppose it’s a good thing we breeze past these symbols, that just tells me that we have a strong food industry producing trusted gluten free foods.

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  • Ep 29 Gluten Free Consumer Survey with Kim Koeller

    Let’s start the blog with the Show Notes for this episode:

    Who knew that more than a dozen years after sitting with Kim Koeller at the banquet of a Canadian Celiac Conference, we’d be talking on my podcast about her results of a survey of gluten free consumers formulated over ten years.  It’s always interesting to me when someone is able to pull on their past experience and career and bring it to the gluten free arena. Kim was a management consultant to whom taking the pulse of consumers was a vital indicator of how interested businesses should proceed.  Thanks Kim for bringing your expertise our way.  I have included a link for the infographic Kim sent to me.

    2018 Research Consumer Infographic Gluten Free Passport and Gluten Free Media Group (1)

    Sue’s Websites and Social Media

    Podcast – acanadianceliacpodcast.libsyn.com

    Podcast Blog – acanadianceliacblog.com

    Facebook – @acanadianceliacpodcast

    Twitter – CeliacPodcastCA

    Email – acdnceliacpodcast@gmail.com

    Baking Website – suesglutenfreebaking.com

    Instagram – @suesgfbaking

    YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUVGfpD4eJwwSc_YjkGagza06yYe3ApzL

    (search Sues Gluten Free Baking)

    Email – sue@suesglutenfreebaking.com

    2018 Research Consumer Infographic Gluten Free Passport and Gluten Free Media Group (1)

    My Thoughts

    Being a gluten free consumer is very similar to the many stages of acceptance of celiac disease.

    First, we deny our condition and for some reason, think we can still buy the same products we always did, only to find out we can’t eat them.

    Next, we do our best to become educated on gluten in all its many forms, and read labels like some sort of ninja shopper.

    Then, we scour the stores to replace each and every food item we previously enjoyed.

    I remember times when I would read a label and be angry because the manufacturer only had to replace one item to make the food gluten free, why wouldn’t they have done that?

    Eventually, we become comfortable with our new normal; getting back to buying the same things most weeks, often checking labels and looking for GF symbols, but settling into an altered lifestyle, with hopefully healthy gluten free choices.

    Sometimes, it’s hard to remember back to when I questioned ingredients, labels and health claims on foods.  I’m comfortable shopping for gluten free.  It’s only when I’m in a different country that I become very diligent once more and read (or translate) everything to ensure its safety.

    The results of this consumer survey indicate the areas where we have become comfortable, and which we still need to work on.  Seems we need to work on others, in social situations, in restaurants, on airplanes and anywhere else we may need to eat.  It’s not us, it’s them.  Be gentle, be informative, and look forward to how much we will learn and grow in the next ten years.  I need to post a reminder in my calendar to fill our Kim’s next survey – in 2027!

  • Ep 28 What I Learned from CCA Conference Vendors

    Let’s start the blog with the Show Notes for this episode:
    I love Vendor shows, and the one at the CCA National Conference in Ottawa in June did not disappoint. If you would like more information on the companies I interviewed, or their products, click on any of the links below.



    Sue’s Websites and Social Media –
    Podcast – acanadianceliacpodcast.libsyn.com

    Podcast Blog – acanadianceliacblog.com
    Facebook – @acanadianceliacpodcast
    Twitter – CeliacPodcastCA
    Email – acdnceliacpodcast@gmail.com
    Baking Website – suesglutenfreebaking.com
    Instagram – @suesgfbaking
    YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUVGfpD4eJwwSc_YjkGagza06yYe3ApzL
    (search Sues Gluten Free Baking)
    Email – sue@suesglutenfreebaking.com

    My Thoughts –
    Just when you think you know almost about everything about something, and in my case that’s new gluten free products on the market, I find another one, then another one.

    I remember sitting with a group of my long time celiac friends and looking back ten years to what we had hoped would change over those 10 years. We wanted better awareness from restaurants, doctors, friends and family and we also wanted better gluten free foods to be more available. We all agreed that those hopes had actually, come to fruition. What we could not have seen was the explosion in gluten free foods.

    Nowadays, a bad, dry chalky gluten free (insert product name – bread, cake etc) would not be around very long. Gluten free food production has come such a long way. Companies that were once the makers of mediocre foods have stepped up their game, listened to us, their consumers, and improved their products. Food science is now working hard to use more natural products to replace the chemicals that once riddled our foods.

    Meeting with vendors, both old and trusted, along with new and inventive has given me such confidence in the gluten free industry. At this point I really challenge myself to imagine what the next 10 years might bring – it’s a fun challenge that I’m up for!

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  • Ep 27 Gluten Free on TV

    Let’s start the blog with the Show Notes for this episode:
    On this Episode of the podcast, I speak about my experiences with my gluten free bakery and how that led to my own gluten free baking show on cable television. You can reference the links below to find segments from the show online and through the website for the baking show. You can email me at acdnceliacpodcast@gmail.com or at sue@suesglutenfreebaking.com


    Sue’s Websites and Social Media –

    Podcast – acanadianceliacpodcast.libsyn.com
    Podcast Blog – acanadianceliacblog.com
    Facebook – @acanadianceliacpodcast
    Twitter – CeliacPodcastCA
    Email – acdnceliacpodcast@gmail.com
    Baking Website – suesglutenfreebaking.com
    Instagram – @suesgfbaking
    YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUVGfpD4eJwwSc_YjkGagza06yYe3ApzL
    (search Sues Gluten Free Baking)
    Email – sue@suesglutenfreebaking.com

    My Thoughts
    I said pretty much all I had to say about my experience on this very different episode of the podcast. It was a big decision to speak so openly about my experiences. I think the big take away here is that my diagnosis and later my daughter’s diagnosis became the most positive catalyst in my life – I got my health back and have been able to share what I have learned with others.

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  • Episode 26 – Only Oats Goes Organic

    Let’s start the blog with the Show Notes for this episode:
    On this Episode of the podcast, I spoke with Manny Sabares of Only Oats, a Canadian company that produces gluten free oats safe for celiacs. They use a strict purity protocol that tracks the farmers, the fields, the seeds, the truck transport and only lets the oat grains into the mill once they have been tested to less than 5ppm of gluten (20 ppm is the gluten free standard).

    Only Oats is “rolling” out a new line of Organic Gluten Free Oats. Rolled Oats, Quick Oat Flakes and Steel Cut Oats that are both certified Gluten Free and Organic.

    I’m a big fan of the brand, and asked them to donate oat product for an episode of my baking show about gluten free oats. I have had a great relationship with the company every since. I have worked with them on their customer experience, and will be creating recipes for their new website later this year. In the meantime, you can find the recipes from my oats show at https://www.suesglutenfreebaking.com/oatmeal.

    You can access the website for Only Oats (it is set to be updated to include recipes later this summer) at www.myonlyoats.com. As well, you can find Only Oats on Facebook.

    Sue’s Websites and Social Media
    Podcast – acanadianceliacpodcast.libsyn.com
    Podcast Blog – acanadianceliacblog.com
    Facebook – @acanadianceliacpodcast
    Twitter – CeliacPodcastCA
    Email – acdnceliacpodcast@gmail.com
    Baking Website – suesglutenfreebaking.com
    Instagram – @suesgfbaking
    YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUVGfpD4eJwwSc_YjkGagza06yYe3ApzL
    (search Sues Gluten Free Baking)
    Email – sue@suesglutenfreebaking.com

    My Thoughts
    I operated a gluten free bakery for more than ten years and was at loose ends when it closed. I had the idea to approach my local cable television station about doing a gluten free baking program. I went on to work YourTV, the community channel of Cogeco Cable in Ontario. If you live in Ontario, and subscribe to Cogeco, you will periodically find the shows in your Cogeco OnDemand feature. For everyone else, the station has been good to post some of the segments on YouTube, and those can be accessed by searching YouTube for Sue’s Gluten Free Baking (or using the link above).
    In Canada, and in my case, in Ontario, television cable companies have a mandate to re-invest a portion of their billings into community television. Community television can mean any programming that would be of interest to the local community. My program fell into that definition, so YourTV resources were used to produce my show. I was assigned a professional producer, and I was the community producer and host. In my initial production meeting to set the tone and schedule for filming, my producer asked if I had any community connections that I could involve in the production. I did have connections and they were happy to be involved. I had my local butcher work with us if we needed meat products (for our Christmas show), my hairdresser was prepared to do my hair for filming, a local makeup artist offered to make me look presentable, and my connections with a national grocery chain allowed us to film a segment in the store. Involving community is a driving force behind this volunteer-based television programming.
    When it came to putting together a show around gluten free oats, I wasn’t sure if a large company from Saskatchewan would be interested in partnering with me on my small baking show. I reached out and Only Oats reached back. The company was started by farmers with an interest in producing our special oats, so my program was a great way for them to give back, and to show off their products. As time went on, I reached out again if I had a question about oats,
    and they contacted me with questions about baking and recipe creation. We worked together on a couple of occasions, and I’d like to think it was a natural progression for Only Oats to invite me to create recipes for their new website. Recipe creation is my thing, it was when I operated the bakery, and it still is. I’ll keep you posted as the recipes go online, and hopefully you’ll enjoy gluten free oats, in all their forms, as much as I do.

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  • Episode 25 Gluten-Free Expo and Magazine

    Let’s start the blog with the Show Notes for this episode:

    Margaret Dron is the Founder of GF Events Ltd. which mounts annual gluten free expos.  Currently, plans are for one in Vancouver and one in Calgary on the following dates:

    Calgary – October 21-22, 2018

    Vancouver – January 12-13, 2019


    Recently, Margaret has undertaken the publishing of a gluten free magazine called “Gluten-Free Canada”.  The magazine was published twice in 2017, and made available free of charge at health food stores throughout the country.  A third edition of the magazine is currently in the works.  Although you can no longer get a paper copy of the first two magazines, you can access both online.  The articles and photography are well worth the read.


    You can find more information about the expos at www.glutenfreeexpo.ca

    You can find the magazine at www.myglutenfreecanada.ca

    You can follow Margaret on Instagram @glutenfreeexpo and on twitter @GlutenFreeExpo1.

    You can reach her by email at info@glutenfreeexpo.ca

    My Thoughts –

    I have long been involved in gluten free vendor shows, as a consumer and as a vendor.  Attending these shows now, as a podcaster, with a keen eye to observe the trends and what’s new can be a challenge.  I often get excited to see vendors or attendees I have met before and want to “check in” with them.  As well, when I do see something new, I am compelled to quiz the vendor to get the full scoop.  It’s probably a good thing that I have an allergy to flax seed, as the tasting I can do becomes very restricted.  I remember leaving vendor shows so full, I didn’t want to eat for days* (reality check – *days was only hours).

    One thing I have noticed is that both consumers and vendors are often not prepared with the right questions (or in the case of vendors, the correct answers) to determine if a product is worthy of attention and excitement.  Not all new products may be right for you.  As a consumer you should ask, and as a vendor you should be able to answer the following:

    What makes this product (cookie, bread, protein bite) different from the one I’m currently using?

    How is it packaged, and does that fit my needs (i.e. individual packaging, frozen, multipack)?

    How does the nutrition in this product make it a better choice than what I am currently using? (If a vendor isn’t knowledgeable about the nutritional benefits, I would normally pass, unless it’s something that isn’t expected to be nutritious like a cupcake.)

    Where can I get the product after the show? Is it available in my local retailers? Do I have to order online?

    What is the price-point, and how does that compare to what I’m currently using?


    Too often I see vendors promoting a product who have not thought about the answers to all of these basic questions, and I understand that.  In the world of gluten free food production, the priority is gluten free food safety, and everything else is secondary.  I also see consumers getting very excited about a new find, only to realize that buying and using it on a regular basis doesn’t fit their lifestyle (not suitably packaged for school lunches, must be warmed before eating etc.).

    Like most of us, I love vendor shows, so much so that I must tone down my excitement to make the most of the situation.  Vendor shows are valuable tools to allow us to explore and taste new foods, some from new vendors, some from trusted ones.  Gluten free food is expensive, the experience of meeting the vendors and being able to ask them about their products or suggest things to them is of great value.  My best advice – Plan to walk the show twice, once scanning everything new, and the second time to speak with select vendors to see if their products really suit your needs.

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  • Ep 24 – Tips from Attendees at the CCA Conference

    Let’s start the blog with the Show Notes for this episode:
    While I attended the National Conference of the Canadian Celiac Association on June 9th, 2018 in Ottawa, I asked the conference and vendor show attendees to answer some questions for me. The purpose was to gather random tips on living with Celiac Disease and the gluten free diet from those living it every day. During the podcast, one of the attendees mentioned her website www.allergiesandme.ca. I made reference to my website where I have lots of recipes from my baking show, including banana muffins and my feel-good cheese muffins. I mentioned a baking mix called Pamela’s Pancake and Baking Mix – here’s the website for recipes for this mix – http://www.pamelasproducts.com/product/pamelas-baking-pancake-mix/

    My Thoughts –
    The reason I started my podcast was because I enjoyed interviewing people, asking questions and getting answers I don’t necessarily expect. The thought of setting up recording equipment at a celiac conference and recording a wide variety of tips and thoughts from my fellow celiacs was very inviting.

    It took some thought to come up with the series of questions that I would ask the willing participants to choose from. Actually, the first question came to me very easily. I always wonder how others keep their kitchen gluten free. I have been GF for more than 20 years, and I do allow gluten in my kitchen, but it is always handled very much separately, with lots of washing of hands. When I operated my GF bakery, it was such a pleasure to not have any gluten in the building – nothing to take special precautions for – but still lots of washing of hands.
    The other questions I asked attendees were:
    The best tip for eating in a restaurant.
    The best tip for travelling gluten free.
    Favourite gluten free food you make or bake.
    The best way to cope with a GF diet or with Celiac Disease/gluten intolerance.

    I gathered a good collection of answers. These are real solutions that my fellow celiacs use day to day and that work for them. I have counselled many newly diagnosed celiacs and those on a gluten free diet. It’s hard at first, and can be discouraging. None of my respondents seemed discouraged. Many commented on the value of asking and sharing when it comes to the diet in the hope that more people will become educated. We have all seen that happen over the past few years.
    I hope you find the tips in this episode helpful and encouraging and, in some small way, they make your gluten free life just a little bit easier.


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  • Ep 23 Interview with Dr. Duerksen of the PAC

    Let’s start the blog with the Show Notes for this episode:
    The National Conference of the Canadian Celiac Association was held on June 9th, 2018 in Ottawa, Ontario. Dr. Duerksen is the Chair of the CCA’s Professional Advisory Council. Dr. Duerksen has a Gastroenterologist practice for adults in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The website for the Canadian Celiac Association was mentioned numerous time and can be found at www.celiac.ca.

    My Thoughts –
    If you listen to the podcast, you are likely familiar with a referral to a Gastroenterologist to investigate issues of the digestive tract. I saw many gastro specialists over the years prior to my diagnosis. Like many, my diagnosis, more than 20 years ago, happened as a bit of a fluke, after being missed by countless health professionals for years.

    Being referred to a specialist usually means that your family practice doctor does not know enough about your condition to properly diagnose or treat you. Going to a specialist of any kind can be very scary. Sometimes you are annoyed waiting for an appointment, other times you feel like you are being rushed through tests and treatment with big words and uncommon terms.

    When the opportunity was presented to me to interview Dr. Duerksen, I knew exactly what questions I wanted to ask. I had heard so many stories from so many people about unanswered questions and what to expect from an unfamiliar doctor brought on board when your trusted physician was not able to pursue testing or diagnosis. I wanted to be clear about the process – learning what to expect makes for realistic expectations. I had all my questions answered in an unrushed calm, polite, knowledgeable manner.

    After having my interview, and hopefully for you, after listening to the podcast, most of the mystery is gone. If celiac disease is the problem, the gastro specialist has the tools, tests and knowledge to find it. The follow up may be done with the specialist or with your family doctor. Although celiac disease may be a mystery to many, you can be assured that nowadays gastro specialists are looking for it. Consider a referral to a gastroenterologist as a step in a positive direction.

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  • Episode 22 – Interview Reflections on the Gluten Free Garage, Part 2

    Let’s start the blog with the Show Notes for this episode:

    This episode featured the voices and opinions of different people who attended the Gluten Free Garage Food Show in Toronto on May 27, 2018.  I have attached a list of the sponsors, for your information.  Many of those I interviewed mentioned specific companies and products, that you can follow up with.  The link to vendors on the Gluten Free Garage site is https://glutenfreegarage.ca/exhibitors/


    My Thoughts –

    Again, I shared lots of my comments between the interviews, but I would like to highlight some of the thoughts about those I interviewed.

    There are lots of individuals who blog about gluten free and celiac disease.  Many of them have quality content.  What can make a difference is when these bloggers and influencers leave their computers to attend community events.  Attending events is the best way to really know your audience, including their joys and challenges.  There are usually two things I look for when I begin to follow influencers – Do they attend events that involve their community AND do they belong to organizations that support their community.  The Canadian Celiac Association is THE organization in Canada, along with the FQMC in Quebec, that speaks for those with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten intolerance.

    I very much enjoyed interviewing the younger attendees at The Gluten Free Garage.  Their parents have taught them well about gluten free, and they seem comfortable with their diet.  What makes a difference for children eating gluten free, is to see other people, many other people, of all ages following the diet too.  Feeling part of a welcoming community is quite special.

    Thanks again Gluten Free Garage for arranging an event to bring our community together.

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